As you may have or have not read in the inspiration section of the site, December 4, 2017, was a life changing day. It was the day that my engagement ring came off and was handed back to my fiancée. At the time I thought this moment would devastate my life. And it certainly did to an extent. I thought I could not live without this man; and would be forever emotionally crippled having to live the rest of my life without him.
I have written my story about 8 different times. Each with more detail than the last, because I wanted to express the pain, sadness and anger I was experiencing daily. I want to share what I consider abusive, manipulative, and controlling behavior, which I allowed this man to use against me.
I can go on for hours in detail of my life daily, but after much consideration, writing and many therapy sessions, I want to share the bigger picture of my story. The following story outlines the many ways I was manipulated and controlled by someone I loved. At the time it was subtle but in retrospect it seems obvious now.
I met my fiancé in 2003 as a junior in college. I was a free spirited, strong, determined, gangster girl at the time. Even so, I was easily swayed by his mental manipulation and emotional control. I lived this way for the next 15 years or so until that fateful day of December 4.
Shortly after we met, I caught him locked in a dorm room with another girl. Instead of admitting fault or even trying to excuse his actions, he spun the narrative and began to blame me. He created an elaborate story claiming I slept with an ex from high school. According to my fiancé, he happened to run into my ex from my hometown. The irony is my hometown is nowhere near my fiancé’s hometown; he would have had a higher chance of hitting the lottery. It was during this improbable encounter that my ex told my fiancé we slept together. My fiancé would use this story countless times over the next three years or so. As luck would have it, I ran into this ex at an event and asked if he had ever “ran into” my fiancé. I even went as far as to ask him if he told my fiancé that we had slept together. He looked at me as if I was insane. I was extremely embarrassed. After a lot of pressing, it turns out my fiancé looked through an old phone, saw a flirty text and created this story based off what he read. This elaborate story was brought up each time I caught or suspected he was intimate another girl.
About 5-6 years after college we decided to go our separate ways. I could not take the constant idea that he still was not ready to be in a committed relationship with me. I spent the following years battling sadness, isolation and depression while waiting for him to come back around. I wanted to hear him tell me that I was the one he wanted to be with, and we would start our lives anew. That time came somewhere around 2012-2013, but it came at a price. Before he would officially commit to me, he made me tell him all the people I dated and slept with during our ‘off’ time. He framed it exactly like this, “if you can’t be honest with me about the things you’ve done when we weren’t together, how could you be honest with me about the things you would do while we are together.” It was completely humiliating, and instead of telling him it was none of his business and to fuck off, I told him, everything, and answered every embarrassing question he asked.
All those years later when he decided he was ready to commit, we began seeing each other again. I thought I was living that fairytale, where if you love something, you let it go and if it comes back to you, love it forever. I felt like that one in a million girl that it came back to. From that point (roughly 2013) on I was determined to make it work, in retrospect at any cost and we began a terrible relationship, with all the unresolved issues from years ago and continued building on that crumbling foundation.
The next seven years were filled with endless unresolved fights, concealed control and mind manipulation. But I stayed, I fought on, I was willing to sell my soul to make this love story have the happily ever-after ending. We moved in, had a baby, and got engaged. In retrospect, what the fuck was I thinking pressing on? My baby was born in April of 2016, from that point on my mind shifted, my little baby girl was watching me; she was watching me pretend to be loved, she was watching me cry and be weak. The woman I was, the woman I became, was not a good example of a strong virtuous woman for my daughter. Through the tears and anger, little by little, I started realizing that I could not do it anymore.
The engagement was broken off on December 4, 2017; when I asked him if we were not going to try to rectify the quality of our relationship, then why was I still wearing the engagement ring. His response was, “okay give it back.” From that point on, he wanted to continue living together as roommates and sleeping in the same bed, indefinitely. I was an emotional mess which led to me crying all the time. I could not do it; I could not stand to live one more second with him. Things were getting volatile. I was constantly enraged and tried to put my hands on him a few times, each time was retaliated with swifter more forceful reactions. So, after persistent pressing he moved out around March 4, 2018 and back in with his mom. It was bittersweet, for sure, but the time directly following that was even more gruesome, including physical altercations, verbal abuse and control and manipulation around my daughter and money. It was a was an awful time, that got made worse when I was forced to make some painful and difficult decisions; decisions that under any other circumstances I would have never made.
The breakup was a very emotional time for me. I was plagued by grief, woke up every day crying, and cried myself to sleep every night. Unfortunately, this was no different than the way I had been living for years. I can remember one morning, while showering before work. I was crying hysterically, sobbing, sitting on the shower floor, I received a text from him asking me to please cry quieter because I was disrupting his sleep and might wake up the baby. This was a poignant moment. I could tell he did not have even slightest bit of respect for me. It is as if I was subhuman to him. As shitty as he was, I know he has some sense of humanity. I experienced this man’s humanity firsthand. On one instance we were walking up from the subway, we saw a group of kids squirting packets of ketchup on a homeless man. I was horrified and near tears. He turned back and told the kids he had just overheard someone else calling the cops on them and the kids ran off. So, when he asked me quiet my crying, I took this kind of unsympathetic and inhumane treatment very personal. I realized he did not see me as human and truly had no respect or love for me.
It has been about two and half years now since the breakup. I have done so much thinking, so much therapy, reflection, and have come to the realization that the true turning point was the day my daughter was born. All the things I wanted to teach her about becoming a strong woman, I was not. I didn’t want my daughter to think that what her father and I had was love. I was not showing her how to navigate through the many obstacles of life successfully. Although I was constantly crying, I could feel I was regaining my strength, power, and dignity. I was realizing that I would do whatever it took to ensure that my daughter knew her self-worth and would never, ever end up in a relationship like mine.
Two and half years later, I am living in my parent’s basement, working a leave replacement teaching job. This is a far from the stability and life I dreamed of at 38 years old. Yet, I am stronger, wiser, and more powerful then I have felt in over 15 years. As it turns out, that extremely painful moment was the best thing that ever happened to me. Never in a million years would I think I would say that. If it were not for that fateful moment, this story may have had a much different ending, one that does not include the creation of this village that we all so desperately need during times like these.
The recovery was not easy; it was extremely painful to get to this place. I grieved the loss of this man and this life for a long time, and had people very close to me say, at the time, some very hurtful things, that in turn wound up forcing me into healing. Things like: “you’re not the only one whose is going through this;” “ you need to get over it;” “ you are not being the mother your daughter deserves,” and this tough love made me realize that no one, NO ONE, was going to be able to help, me get through this except me.
I spent many nights in a field in a park near my house, screaming off the side of a cliff. Screaming, literally, at the top of my lungs, beating the ground underneath me, until I had no voice or strength left in me! I knew for years that, I was not happy; I felt like a victim of the world. I knew that the end of this relationship was going to be positive and necessary. Over the course of a few months, this pain and sadness turned into resolve, power, and resilience. Truly, all in all, it was my daughter who motivated me through all of this and one of the ultimate reasons for creating this site. There will inevitably be moments in her life that I will not be equipped to help her through albeit love and support, so I want to leave her this legacy of stories. So, she and others will always be able to navigate through her difficulties and find her village.
Although I have made it to this point, I still struggle a lot with many things; mostly acceptance and having to do 95% of the parenting, not only alone, but with an adversary. All the decision making, all the doctors’ appointments, all the baths, all the feedings, all the bedtimes, all the negotiating, all the figuring out how to give her medicine, how to discipline and LOTS more. While I wouldn’t give any of it up, I still struggle to accept that this is not what I signed up for. I didn’t want to have to do any of this alone. There are millions of women who do this every day, literally alone. So I know how lucky I am that I have my parents and that my ex takes my daughter a total of 65 hours a month. It is still a hard pill to swallow. Perhaps hearing from this village of women will provide me insight and support, as well as the realization that I do not have it that bad after all.
Lastly, I realize that the young vibrant, carefree, outgoing girl I was once was has been living inside me all along. She has emerged even more strong, powerful, resilient, gangster and peaceful than I ever imagined! But the questions still remain… how could I have let someone control and manipulate my life, feelings, thoughts and actions in such a way? Why was my self-worth, dignity and power so easily given up? How was I so easily brainwashed into thinking this was a life I so desperately wanted to live?
Enter villagers? Where are you? Those that have walked this road before me help me jump these last few hurdles of acceptance. How did you do it? How are you doing it? And for those of your waking this path right now, hear me, use my story as a guide, seek me out and let me become a part or your village.
Originally, I thought this would be a tragic ending to a tragic story, but this is a comeback story; one of unyielding perseverance, immense strength and a girl given a second chance at finding herself and going after the life she wants to live. I hope that by my bearing my story I will inspire all of you to do the same. Find some healing, be a guiding light for those who need some healing and find or create your village.
Forever your villager,
Felicia Pineras
Your strength and resilience are truly inspirational. I learned that when you become a parent you can and will do anything for your child. My 7 year old son is my miracle baby and helps me understand everyday that having Multiple Sclerosis doesn’t define me. You are a kind soul and I remember when you celebrated my baby shower at SHS. Continue to celebrate your life and the life of your daughter. I am glad you are in a better place and continue to work on being a better you!
Thank you Felicia. Everyday is a work in progress but I always try to celebrate whats really important! Perhaps one day you would be willing to open up and share more about your journey with the rest of the village. Your story is important and could be a guiding light for lots of other people!
Vanessa, this is a great story. I know it was hard to share it. I am glad that this nis your comeback story. Thank-you for being so brave. I was in a relationship when I was very young. This guy was abusive, obssessive, disrespectful and manipulative. I ended up getting pregnant at 19, and never gave birth. By my decision I was able to free myself from him, by my child paid the price. Part of me regretted my decision the other part of me knew if I stayed with him, I would have ended up dead, another woman in the news killed by her boyfriend in a jealous rage. My pregnancy termination ended things with him. But also ended my trust, fucked up my head to the point my trust issues probably sabotagesdmany budding relationships. Now as an older woman in her 40’s the one thing I want which was a baby, wont happen for me. PCOS. Also the dangers and chances of risk of death og a geriatric pregrnancy steers me away. Often I wonder what my life would have been like if I never met him. Would I have let other boyfriends abusive me as well? Or would my inner warrior emerge from the insided and became the woman I needed to be. I allowed daters to treat me like crap, and make me feel stupid so they can feel good. Manipulation is one hell of a drug. For years I could not look in the mirror because I didn’t know who I was. I gained up to 120lbs over the years! I questioned why I was here on earth and what was my purpose If I didn’t create life. I still wanted a child but never did. Then one day, I just…..woke up. Since then I have lost 80lbs. I am still a work in process. I am not out of the wood, sill have depression and anxiety with a touch of PTS. But on good days, I see the light at the end of a tunnel. I know I need therapy, I still cry for that loss and torn decision to this day. Even writing this I had to pause to take
a break. Although your situation is quiet different, I felt your pain. I watched my mother go the the same “pretend love” with my dad. So I grew up with a fucked up way of what love from a man looks like. The decision you made was selfless and for your daughter’s sake. Also an important one. The way I see it,She’s going to be just fine. Thank-you for allowing this safe space for me to share my story.
This is an incredibly powerful testimonial. I would like to ask you if you would mind posting this as a story so it could be shared with the whole village. I think lots of people could relate to different aspects of your story. Thank you for sharing these difficult things.
Sending you a great big hug! You should be proud of yourself for being brave and strong to walk away when you did. I wasn’t. Both choices had a high price that each one of us paid. You are also able to share your story which I am not ready to complete do that yet! Thank you so much for sharing!
This is such a beautiful way to give strength to others. I had the honor of working with you and I loved your real gangster side. You had such a fun loving way to reach out to the students in class. You did everything you could pulled all the tricks out of the bag to get them to connect with you and smile. I admire your strength and determination. You are an amazing example to your mini me. You are teaching her it’s not about the fall it’s all about how you get yourself back up! Keep shining! Your a bright light! She is lucky to have you! Keep your gangster side ❤️
Thank you for your love and encouragement. It has been an incredible two days. Gangster it is!
WDanushka Columna
What a strong testimonial, I felt your pain my love, but I feel your courage take root in one of the most powerful emotions, motherly love! You are a brave woman and your daughter will come across your words and feel proud of the woman you are, the strength it took to walk out on your own to creat the best version of yourself to set a great example for your her. Bravo!! I hope that this village you are trying to great grows and many women find strength and courage! We can be strong alone, but we are invincible!
You’ve always been part of this here village… I will love you and keep you always. So lucky I got you on my team. Xoxo
It’s not that it happened “so easily,” as you say. He has been a narcissist his entire life. He has had a lifetime of practice, of perfecting and honing his craft– the lies, the gaslighting, manipulation, cyclic/strategic abuse tactics. The problem is YOU have spent a lifetime as a good person. You are soft. Soft is good. Soft is wonderful. Soft means you have not let the evil in the word callous your soul. It means you are strong. That everytime you come out the other end of something, you don’t harden. You don’t become jaded or give up hope. You let it change your perspective, for the better. That is how you have lived. Vulnerable, gentle, kind, nurturing, altruistic– a woman whose spirit and energy is beautifully electric. Unfortunately sometimes that electricity attracts the type of person who wishes to siphon all of that out of you. Until he makes you manageable. All this time he’s worked on you, methodically. He wanted to convince you that you were unable to shine without him– that you’re selfish, that all you do is lie, that you are difficult to love, that you are bad. So it wasn’t easy. He tried very hard. And now I am writing this comment on your website. So I see he did not succeed. You didn’t “give” anything away. Someone tried to take it– You were at war, that whole time. You won. He will live the rest of his life in fear. Fear of being figured out. Fear of being alone, vulnerable, of having his partner know she does not need him. That she is worth the world. She is not wrong, she is not bad, she is not stupid.
Your pain is valid. Just because others go through it too does not minimize the fact that you are also. You always have a right to be heard.
Enjoy your liberation from the bastard.
May your days and your heart always be filled with a powerful feeling of purpose
Thank you for seeing beyond what I could and thank you for validating that I didn’t let this break me. I am so incredibly grateful for your words. My heart is bursting with pride. Thank you isn’t enough. 🙏🏼
Loved your honesty❤️!
Thank you..thank you…thank you!
V, thank you for sharing and creating this space. Truly. Much of your arc resonates with the emotional experience I had a few years ago when the person I married and had just bought a home reached peak manipulation and I found they were having an affair with their coworker. And blamed me. The floor felt like it collapsed beneath me and I questioned everything. We co-existed painfully for months and I think of the many nights I spent sitting my car at the train station after work, looking into the Hudson River and just weeping so loudly and deeply. I felt alone in a way I never knew I could. And I reached out to, what I now know was my “village”, in a way that was raw and real. I was in awe of how they showed up and held me. And how much I needed it as I rode the waves back to stability. Then to healing. Then to growth. Then to living and thriving (you know, still with the day to day ups/downs). I work daily to maintain this person I am now – because I really like her lol. She’s lighter, lives by leading with compassion and understanding, and to be honest, way more fun 😉 All that say, thank you for creating this space. (It was a powerful Sunday morning reflection.) Keep up that strong, free spirit I was lucky enough to have experienced! 💞
Oh Barbara…my cup runneth over. It was touching to see your comment. Thank you so much! Our paths have been much different but each piece was so relatable. I’m so thrilled you are thriving now. No one is without some kind of pain…its the moving through it that is the glorious part. And might I add, I’ve always really liked ‘you’… so this new you must be absolutely divine! xoxo
Vanessa thank you for creating this space! Keep on stepping strong! ❤️
I met you through literally the light at the end of the tunnel my roommate Liz back in early 2000. We were so carefree, honestly at that time I never expected My life to end up the way it has. My story isn’t exactly the same but completely understand. I would love to share my story on your platform. You are stronger than ever now! You will persevere and show your daughter that you are strong and deserve the best. I’m really happy I saw this post on IG from Liz! I feel like this is an outlet for all of us. Thank you from one beautiful woman to another! ❤️
Oh my goodness…I totally remember you…this is extraordinarily amazing! Thank you so much beautiful woman! I would love for you to share you story and help grow this village. We are all stronger then we know and we all have a story. I hope whatever challenges you faced made you realize how much we can truly endure. Your words and support are greater then you’ll ever know!xoxo
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bookmarked!!, I love your blog!
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Aw, this was a very nice post. Finding the time and actual
effort to create a really good article… but what can I say… I put things off a whole lot and never manage to get nearly anything
Hello Vanessa,
I’m sorry to hear this. I did not know of everything that was going on. I know the person you are referring to. I dislike like him also.
Hi… it really all turned out for the best! But thank you. I hope you did not have a similar situation with this person because I’m sure he is right for someone!